prints have areas where a line will be underextruded. Not sure where to go now.
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prints have areas where a line will be underextruded. Not sure where to go now.  

prints have areas where a line will be underextruded. Not sure where to go now.

Hi All,

The machine is a Prusa Mini+. Every so often I get a line that is under extruded and it makes the whole print weak. It is random and the same gcode works great on other Prusa Minis I have.

I have tried the following:

  • Changed out the PTFE hotend tube (chamfered it and made sure it was the right length).
  • Verified the belts were at the right tension.
  • Cold pulled to make sure no clogs.
  • Dryed my filament to make sure it was not wet.
  • Changed out the extruder gears and adjusted the extruder pressure

It prints perfectly until it decides to under extrude a line. Its not consistent as I can do the same print multiple times and the underextrusion will come at different points (The latest failure was 6 hours in and about 80% complete.)

Here are some pictures:

Publié : 23/07/2023 5:15 am
Illustrious Member

What filament is this?  I assume you have tried different spools...

The slight surface inconsistency suggests either poor belt tension(but you checked), or 'sticky' smooth rods; clean and lubricate, or a failing belt idler bearing.

Does a cold pull delay the onset of the problem?


Publié : 23/07/2023 4:18 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: prints have areas where a line will be underextruded. Not sure where to go now.

The filament is Eryone 3d PeTG Black. Yes many different spools and when moved to other printers  they work fine. I will check the rods and lubricate! I will double check the tension again just in case!

Cold pull has no noticeable impact on the problem...

Will report back after checking belts and cleaning.

You mention "belt idler bearing" is that the pulley that the belt is pulled against at the end of the x-axis or the bearing that has the medal rods going through it that the hotend is attached to?

Also thanks for the help 🙂

Publié : 23/07/2023 7:31 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: prints have areas where a line will be underextruded. Not sure where to go now.

I cleaned all the smooth rods with 91% Alcohol, I replaced the idler pulley with a new one, and checked the belt tension. printing now.

If it fails I will replace both the rod bearings. I couldn't see or feel anything wrong with the pulley.

Publié : 29/07/2023 6:16 am
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