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Nozzle dragging/clashing during printing MINI+  

New Member
Nozzle dragging/clashing during printing MINI+


I have a problem with my mini+. Every time I try to do a somewhat larger print the nozzle seems to clash/drag on the previous layer. The end results will often be that after a few layers - or even mid print - the entire print can detach and be pushed around the bed. So at this point I am not confident to leave the printer unattended.

I have repeated the  first layer calibration a few times and everything looks pretty good. I have also done some pretty decent prints, but only when they are rather small in the XY plane and I locate them towards the centre of the bed.

Another thing I have noticed is that if I add brim to the print, the nozzle will leave trails.

I attach a few photos of my most recent failure. I think, but can't be sure, that the issue might be quite localised in the area of the bed where you see the damage. However, I meed to test that further, maybe put a straightedge on the bed etc.

If anyone has some ideas about what might be going on I would really appreciate it.



Posted : 09/10/2021 2:58 pm
Honorable Member

It looks like your z-offset is too high which causes poor adhesion. The nozzle is disturbing or detaching lower layers because they are not squished down on the  bed enough. Try for a more accurate first layer calibration. It is also a good idea to change your bed leveling to 7x7. 


Posted : 09/10/2021 3:34 pm
Illustrious Member

Sure feels like a live z calibration issue but I would also check for xz skew if you're seeing it mostly on one side of the sheet:

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 09/10/2021 7:02 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Thanks so much to both of you for your suggestions. The XZ alignment was indeed a little out and I have fixed that. I also took note of the alternative first layer calibration approach and will be using that with a vernier to get the level dialed in.  Unfortunately I now how another issue of a clicking extruder that just appeared as I was printing the calibration print. Hopefully I will be able to resolve this and get back to printing soon!

Posted : 10/10/2021 1:43 pm
re: thanks

Posted by: @jamese

Unfortunately I now how another issue of a clicking extruder that just appeared as I was printing the calibration print.

Double check that your nozzle isn't clogged as well.

Posted : 10/10/2021 6:09 pm