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Mintemp error help  

New Member
Mintemp error help

I completed a print the other day, ASA filament, 260 on the hot end and 100 on the heat bed.  It was the second part of a two part print, both took around 10 hours.  When t he last part printed the printer flashed a red error that I didn't really see.  I think it was a mintemp.  I tried printing again today and it keeps throwing mintemp errors.  I successfully unloaded the filament which tells me the mintemp isn't on the hot end.  I removed the heat b ed so I could test it with my multimeter.  The thermister reads 89.6, which is within the 90 - 125 omhs range recommended.  The heatbed itself only measures 5.5 omhs, though.  Does this mean the heatbed itself has gone bad?

Publié : 31/01/2025 10:49 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mintemp error help

Ok.. I had an idea to troubleshoot the thermistor so I plugged everything back in and pointed my heat gun at the bed. Temp started to increase on the screen. Figured why not try powering up the heatbed so I plugged that back in. I can increase the temp from the screen without getting a mintemp error. It seems to be working again but I have no idea what could have happened to cause this. Maybe printing with the bed at it's max temp of 100 for prolonged periods of time isn't advisable?

Publié : 01/02/2025 12:30 am
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