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Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again  

Jack Murphy
Active Member
Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again

After a few days of working just fine with .bgcode files, firmware 5.1.2/PrusaSlicer 2.7.1  is not working again. When I upload .bgcode files to a stick and put that into the printer, the stick is recognized, but no file is listed. Same when I upload .gcode files. I would love to go back to an earlier firmware and PrusaSlicer, but I haven't been able to find a way to do that. Has anyone else experienced this instability in 5.1.2? What are my options to get my printer working again?

This topic was modified před 1 year by Jack Murphy
Napsal : 21/12/2023 10:43 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again

No problem on my end. To downgrade, copy the firmware to the stick and hold down the knob while booting. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 22/12/2023 10:53 am
Jack Murphy
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again

Well, mea culpa, I guess. As they say: "I have met the enemy, and he is me". Turns out I had a .stl file with a filename that started with a period (actually a decimal place as part of a number, without a leading 0). Windows was fine with that, and PrusaSlicer running on Windows had no problem opening it and creating a .bgcode file from it. But the file name sent to the printer started with that period, and the firmware choked on that (it simple did not recognize the file was on the USB drive). In the best of worlds, PrusaSlicer would have flagged it as a non-conforming filename, although Windows seems to allow it. Linux may not allow it, I presume. Thanks, fuchsr, for the guidance on how to go back to an earlier firmware, but I'm a happy camper now with 5.1.2. 

Napsal : 23/12/2023 1:16 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again

Good afternoon, Jack, 

Thanks for coming on the forum and updating us with that issue, 
Small details like that can help others. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 23/12/2023 1:57 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again

Under Linux filenames starting with a dot are treated as hidden, so they are not presented in the listing if not requested.

Not sure if firmware allows showing hidden filenames, though.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Napsal : 24/12/2023 9:05 am
Tony Dunn
RE: Mini+ firmware 5.1.2 not working again

I upgraded to slicer 2.7.2 and Mini 5.1.2 and the printer kept having hang problems with bg code. After a couple of hours reverting to to previous levels and only now supporting g code the slicer and printer is working fine. I think the upgrade is too buggy for prime time.

Napsal : 15/03/2024 9:29 pm