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[Résolu] loud grinding noise when first turning on power  

Active Member
loud grinding noise when first turning on power

A little strange, when I first turn on the mini+ in the morning, there is a loud grinding noise for about 1-2 seconds from somewhere near the back of the machine (axes not moving). Then it is silent, and all seems to work fine during a build with no unexpected noises. Any ideas? this is a almost new device, so doesn't seem like it should need oiling or maintenance at this point, but happy to oil something if suggested. thanks for any ideas

Publié : 19/06/2021 10:06 pm
Michaël Fortin
Estimable Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

I had this issue (or something quite like it) when I first got my MINI+. It was intermittent and seemed to come from one of the fans. I don't know if that's what fixed it but I updated my firmware to the latest version and did not hear that since then (multiple months).

Publié : 19/06/2021 11:08 pm
Eminent Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

I have had this occasionally, not every time, with the latest released firmware v4.3.1. I think it's the extruder skipping steps because there's dry filament in the nozzle (and it's trying to extrude for some reason), but it doesn't  last long enough / I haven't been concerned enough to really look into it.

Publié : 20/06/2021 2:17 pm
Honorable Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

The only thing I can imagine is fan -because after powering on, nothing else physically moves.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Publié : 20/06/2021 5:40 pm
Reputable Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

Check if the heater wires are moving when printing/ending up against the hotend fan.

I did mine a little too tight when i built my kit and had to "yank" them back a few mm to bend them away from the fan.

Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3

Publié : 21/06/2021 4:32 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

My printer did that on start up, and it was the print fan. I replaced it with a new one, and took the old fan apart to see what was wrong with it. All of the metal inside the fan was badly rusted and pitted, and theres no way it was caused by my environment. I was shocked how quiet my printer ran after changing my fan because I must have had a bad fan since I received it.

Publié : 22/06/2021 7:05 am
Malabor a aimé
Eminent Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

I had this same issue last week and thought "hmm, that's strange.  Oh well, it went away"  continued on to print everything fine.

Last night I turned the printer on to run a print and noticed that the top fan was not running.  Check to make sure there was no blockage or anything, and I've got nothing.   I think maybe I got a bad fan as well?  The printer is new (received in April) so it shouldn't be worn out already and the firmware is current.   Thoughts?  Should I just replace the fan?   If so, what size fan do I get?



Publié : 23/06/2021 4:29 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


I took a video of the horrible noise mine was making and sent it to Prusa support chat, and they sent me a replacement fan right away.

Publié : 23/06/2021 5:30 pm
Malabor a aimé
Eminent Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

Awesome.  I'll try again tonight and see if it will make any noise.  Last night it didn't make a sound, it just didn't work from the get-go.   If I can get it on vid, I'll reach out to support.


Publié : 23/06/2021 5:36 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


You can power on the fan through the settings menu to see if it works or not. I'd double check the fan plug in the electronics board first.

Publié : 23/06/2021 5:38 pm
Eminent Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

there's a manual control for the fans in the settings?

Publié : 23/06/2021 5:48 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power



Publié : 23/06/2021 5:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


can you tell me how to find the setting to manually turn on the fan? Is it in the "Settings" menu?

thanks very much

Publié : 24/06/2021 10:24 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


Settings>Temperature>Print Fan

Publié : 25/06/2021 7:33 am
Malabor a aimé
Eminent Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

got it up and running after a restart and then a "forced" activation of the fans.  They're still occasionally making that grinding sound.   Do you think it's worth putting a ticket in with support?  Or should I just leave it alone since they're working now?

Publié : 25/06/2021 8:31 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


Mine went from making horrible noises only when I turned the machine on, to worse noises constantly in a short time period. It was very rusty and pitted inside like it had been in an ocean or something. I live about 5500 feet above sea level so I cant imagine anything around here caused all of that rusting. I would definitely ask them for a replacement, and heres the video of mine before I changed the fan out.

Publié : 26/06/2021 6:18 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


Thank you very much. This was the problem. Anytime I turn on the fan I hear the loud gringing noise. This is a new printer so I’ll try contacting Prussia support to see if they can help me. 

Publié : 26/06/2021 3:07 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


I stand corrected (by myself). I started to take a video of the fan making noise to send to Prusa support, and I cranked it up to max in the settings. Suddenly, the noise completely stopped (and fan kept going, fortunately). I wonder if a tiny bit of something was in the blades and flung off. so apparently all is well! Thanks to the replies on this question

Publié : 26/06/2021 3:40 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power

If it is your fan, try touching the Fan Hub whilst the noise is apparent, and see if the noise goes away. 

if this works, it would appear that the fan bearings are a bit worn. 
as it's a nearly new printer, contact Prusa Chat, and ask them for a replacement, 
If the printer is out of warrantee, 
take the fan off, and there should be a sticker in the centre of the hub. if you partially peel the sticker off, it should reveal a small hole leading to the bearings, put a drop or two of oil in this hole, wipe off any excess and replace the sticker, this should give your bearings a short extension to their life, and order a replacement for when it goes noisy again. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 26/06/2021 5:55 pm
Trusted Member
RE: loud grinding noise when first turning on power


On mine, flicking the spinning hub would make it quiet momentarily but it got worse very quickly. The rotor inside is what was very rusty. They are usually just cheap sleeve bearings rather than ball bearings, and once the sleeve starts wearing and making noise, it won't be very long before the shaft starts wobbling. I would still get a replacement from Prusa because it should run nearly silently. 

Publié : 26/06/2021 7:56 pm
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