Looking to identify my issue and find a solution.
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Looking to identify my issue and find a solution.  

Eminent Member
Looking to identify my issue and find a solution.

I've printed eight of these and would like to print a few more. Along the way the printing of the first and second layers cleanly has become difficult and required me to make a few restarts before proceeding to the finish. I'm using the default 0.4mm nozzle and Glow In The Dark PETG which is on a spool inside a dryer box at 55C. The temperature of the nozzle gets to 240C and the temperature of the 3rd party bed gets to 90C.  My slice settings are:
0.20mm Quality
Scale Factors: 100%, 90%, 100% (I have to scale it down to fit on the bed.)
Infill Pattern: Honeycomb
Skirt Loops: 0
Brim: No Brim
Prior to my last attempt I had the Mini purge twice until the PETG was coming out in a single line and coiling nicely on the bed. However, the first and second layers quickly got worse. I have multiple pictures but this forum is only allowing one file to be attached.

Opublikowany : 05/08/2023 5:03 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking to identify my issue and find a solution.

Image added.

Opublikowany : 05/08/2023 5:06 pm
Illustrious Member

What nozzles are you using?  GITD is mildly abrasive; it *can* be printed with brass nozzles but they wear down relatively quickly and you must recalibrate first layer 'Z' offsets frequently.


Opublikowany : 05/08/2023 8:01 pm
3dJoe polubić
Noble Member
RE: Looking to identify my issue and find a solution.

Yep I agree with diem worn down nozzle 

Please help me out by downloading a model it's free and easy but really helps me out https://www.printables.com/@Hello_474427/models

Opublikowany : 05/08/2023 8:07 pm
3dJoe polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:

TY for responding. I'm using the brass nozzle that came with my mini+. And I have not recalibrated first layer 'Z' offsets for this project. Since posting earlier I was wondering if I should recalibrate because it looks like the nozzle is pushing and pulling the filament around. I'll let it finish the current print and recalibrate, but it's probably time for a new tip which I've never done before. Attached is the latest image of the current print as I type. After posting earlier I let everything cool down for a couple of hours and then made another attempt: 1) I left the dryer box turned off, 2) Purged once - filament came out single strand and spiraled nicely onto the bed, 3) With tweezers, pulled off the 1/4" of filament that leaked out of the tip just before the test line of the print was laid down. What you'll see in the image assures me the print should finish. Thanks!

Opublikowany : 05/08/2023 8:26 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Looking to identify my issue and find a solution.

Just a final update. I adjusted my nozzle height via the first layer calibration and it's been printing fine so it appears the OEM nozzle is still good. I'll remember to recalibrate when switching between PLA+ and PETG since I use a different sheet for each. Cheers!

Opublikowany : 12/08/2023 2:20 am