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Layer Shift in X-Direction  

Active Member
Layer Shift in X-Direction

I am having repeatable issues when printing small parts (20mm x 10mm). See picture. Left one has layer shifting issues in X-direction, right one is fine, no layer shifting in any direction. The left one has been sliced with the long side in X-direction, the right one was turned 90 degrees and the long side was in Y direction, then it printed fine, no layer shift in X. Bigger parts also print fine. Any ideas why this could happen? Thanks.

Versions: Prusa-Slicer 2.1.1 (Linux), MINI has FW 4.0.1-final+1974. Print Settings: 0.15mm Quality Mini, 50% Infill, 5 Vertical Shells. STL is here:

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 5 years par skat
Publié : 12/01/2020 1:11 am
Eminent Member
RE: Layer Shift in X-Direction

hello, I have two MINIS and I am testing your part ... same settings only Win Slicer ...
you can download the gcode here and test it directly

Publié : 12/01/2020 11:53 am
Eminent Member
RE: Layer Shift in X-Direction

here the pictures of my printed parts ... on both MINIS nothing noticeable ...

please check the gcode I posted earlier .. may be that your linux version has something ..

if you still have this error .. then it is your hardware ... your MINI

Publié : 12/01/2020 12:29 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Layer Shift in X-Direction

Check your X axis belt alignment and tightness. I would also power off the machine and check the smoothness of the X axis as it moves left to right. If you notice a change in resistance, it could be due to the extruder cable bundle being too short. 

Publié : 12/01/2020 2:42 pm
benjamin a aimé
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer Shift in X-Direction

Thank you all for helping and testing. Here is a summary so far.

I am always resetting  the printer before starting a new job. X axis moves freely if pushed by hand.

Printing the two objects in one task as shown above: Both in X and Y dir also came out perfectly on my MINI. I then compiled latest PrusaSlicer 2.20-alpha2, sliced it using 0.15mm Fast @MINI with 5 Perimeters and positioned 2 objects as before. Perfect print as well.

Same slicer settings with just one object in X direction: Voila! Layer shift happens again. Turning the one object 90 degree into Y and print: all OK again. Then I set travel speed to super slow 5mm/s, turned the long side back into X direction: it ended up in a zig-zag shaped tower (X-dir zigzag, Y dir OK).

Conclusion so far: Not slicer related. My MINI has problems travelling between 2 small towers a few mm apart in X direction if it it has nothing to do else. As soon as there is another object which it has to travel to during layer printing, it works fine. 

The gcode for the one object in X dir can be found here:


(Print time about 10 minutes, 21 cm PLA needed)

Publié : 12/01/2020 8:37 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Layer Shift in X-Direction

Check your grub screws holding the X and Y axis belt gears to the motors. I had the same problem. Turned out the 2 grub screws holding my Y axis belt gear to the motor were completely loose. 

Ce message a été modifié il y a 5 years par Benji

Prusa Mini Silicone Bed Leveling Mod:

Publié : 12/01/2020 11:56 pm
Vous a aimé
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Layer Shift in X-Direction

Problem Solved 🙂  Tightening the grub screws (and finding them first) did the job. Oops, didn't expect this, such a simple solution. Thanks! 

I'll disassemble the whole thing tomorrow and tighten all screws with Locktite applied. 

Publié : 13/01/2020 12:30 am
benjamin et ont aimé
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