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Knob on Mini registers selection upon release  

Active Member
Knob on Mini registers selection upon release

I'm running 4.3.1 and am struggling (well, not struggling) with the knob in that my selection registers on the upstroke.

I'm used to selections being "entered" when I push the button, not when I release it.

Is there a menu setting somewhere that selects for this?



This topic was modified 4 years ago by RBarnhill
Posted : 09/05/2021 3:16 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Knob on Mini registers selection upon release

Selection on release is quite normal and as far as I'm aware there is no setting for it.

When programming embedded code, especially for button presses the enable on release is preferred as it helps with button bounce detection.  Its also quite common for a short press to do one thing and a long press to do a different thing.  If you actions on detection of the button press you cant use the short/long press option.

Looks like you will have to change your expectations.

Posted : 09/05/2021 10:21 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Knob on Mini registers selection upon release
Posted by: @neophyl

Selection on release is quite normal and as far as I'm aware there is no setting for it.

When programming embedded code, especially for button presses the enable on release is preferred as it helps with button bounce detection.  Its also quite common for a short press to do one thing and a long press to do a different thing.  If you actions on detection of the button press you cant use the short/long press option.

Looks like you will have to change your expectations.

I suppose that means my Mk3S is using "not preferred" programming?

This post was modified 4 years ago by RBarnhill
Posted : 10/05/2021 6:54 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Knob on Mini registers selection upon release


 Nope, the mk3 encoder also uses release of the button. If you press it, it does not actually respond until you release it, and if you hold it down it goes to the adjust z height screen from most places as that’s the long press function from most places in the code.

If you have an encoder with a dodgy button though it can ‘pulse’ on press which looks to the code like a press and release.   It’s this that is often the cause of selecting the wrong file or menu item when you try to select something.


Posted : 10/05/2021 9:05 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Knob on Mini registers selection upon release

So it does!

Thanks for your insight.

I suppose I should now amend my question to reflect that the knob on the mini does not "click" when I press it - I'll take a look and see if some debris is interfering with the downstroke.


Posted : 11/05/2021 11:25 pm