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Issue printing with filaments besides Prusament  

New Member
Issue printing with filaments besides Prusament

Hello all, I am brand new to 3d printing world, and recently got a prusa mini+. My first two prints with the Prusament (prusa logo and the benchy) came out really well. My problem has come from when I tried to print with some alternate brand filaments, AmazonBasics and Hatchbox, both PLAs. each time I have tried a print the filament eventually stops coming out early on in the print. it seems like the extruder is not gripping the filament properly or something, as the extruder gear is does a short burst backwards. ive tried increasing the nozzle temp a few degress during print, as well as purge the filaments at 260, but it doesnt seem to do the trick. ive also tried loosening the idler screw for the extruder gear, issue still occurred. I was able to switch back after this to prusament, with NO change to how I was trying the other filaments before, and printed the frog just fine with no issues. it seems very weird that 1 filament would do just fine, and then 2 other brands would not. any ideas?

Posted : 20/03/2021 4:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Issue printing with filaments besides Prusament

I’ve found the mini to be sensitive to the tension on the extruder idler screw. You said you tried to adjust it, maybe you haven’t found the right setting yet. I ended up replacing it with a trianglelabs dual drive  extruder (a Bondtech clone), and never had any issues again, with more than two dozens filament types and brands. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 20/03/2021 7:32 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Issue printing with filaments besides Prusament

I received my Mini+ back in November last year and noticed the same thing - Prusament PLA worked great everything else would get clogged up and eventually cause a jam, extruder clicking away.  Overture and Hatchbox PLA both refused to flow for long.  In the last few months I have learned that when using other brands, I must run them at hotter temperatures than they call for.   Usually 225 and 70 (hot end and bed respectively) for first layer, 225/60 for all other layers.  I have this saved as a custom filament now in the Slicer (it works with Prusament too).  As always, It is important to get that first layer dialed in.  I use the 60mmx60mm patch from the Prints section and measure it with a good micrometer.

I explored this with tech support thinking maybe it was a thermistor issue but at room temperature, both bed and nozzle read the same so probably not.  I did get a new thermistor so just in case it is inaccurate at temperature, I will change it someday.  Right now I'm having fun printing with the modified filament profile.

Something else I found this week that was causing some under extrusion; the PTFE tube inside the hotted had a bit of a burr internally (probably from a 'rough' cold pull), when I changed it out my prints went back to beautiful.  I found the burr by running a smooth piece of filament through it.



Posted : 22/03/2021 12:59 am