Infill, outer walls problem / transparency / extruder clicking.
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Infill, outer walls problem / transparency / extruder clicking.  

Active Member
Infill, outer walls problem / transparency / extruder clicking.

Good morning,

Since some time I started to expect some issues with printing. Except extruder clicking (I almost fixed), I found that outer walls are not solid (its rather a mesh) and therefore prints are soft (like a sponge) - see photo/video below.

What I have done so far to fix this:

- Cleaning extruder gears
- Loosen filament screw
- Cleaning hotend
- Cold pull
- Various filaments (using pet-g mostly)
- Cleaning nozzle
- Factory reset (printer and slicer)

Sometimes, it's a bit better when speed is decreased from default 95 to 60, but in the past there was no need to do that.

I also tried with increasing flow, nozzle temps etc. no success.

Meanwhile, I tried to install bondtech extruder, but couldnt change filament load speed (it's too high so filament cannot be loaded/unloaded properly). After that I restored factory settings.

Symptoms look like problem with filament flow - there is one thing left to check - ptfe tube at the end.

What could be the origin of this problem, it's getting more and more annoying...


Thank you


VID : IMG_8886





Napsal : 15/01/2023 10:22 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Infill, outer walls problem / transparency / extruder clicking.

Meanwhile, I tried to install bondtech extruder, but couldnt change filament load speed (it's too high so filament cannot be loaded/unloaded properly).

What does that mean? The Bondtech extruder shouldn't require any adjustments to load speed at all. You do need to adjust esteps, as described in the installation instructions, but never load speed. If that's something you need to do, this indicates an issue on the hotend side, which is also consistent with the print quality issues you're seeing. I would completely disassembly and reassemble the hotend, paying specific attention to Step 11 in, to get proper pressure on the PTFE tube. I must say that I personally never had an issue with the PTFE tubes on two Minis in two years but this seems to be a common complaint.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 16/01/2023 5:37 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Infill, outer walls problem / transparency / extruder clicking.


Concerning bondtech ifs, I did everything as described in the guide. There is a weird noise when loading/unloading filament. Bondtech redirected me to this thread:

And it's all exactly the same.

Regarding printing issues, I'm waiting for hotend ptfe to be delivered. Hope this will help!

Napsal : 16/01/2023 5:56 pm