How To Install Firmware?
I downloaded the english-czech firmware from here Release 5.1.2 Firmware for Original Prusa MINI, MK4, MK3.9 & XL · prusa3d/Prusa-Firmware-Buddy · GitHub
I put it on a fat32 usb stick and put it in the usb A port of my mini then turned it on. it booted as usual and still shows the 4.3.4 firmware.
what ami i doing wrong?
RE: How To Install Firmware?
First thing I would check is the file permissions on the USB drive. I think it's unlikely to have read permissions turned off but it couldn't hurt to make it read/write for everyone. You could also try downloading/unzipping again and using a different USB drive with no other files on it.
RE: How To Install Firmware?
The rules on my MK4
USB2 stick, FAT32
Only 1 .bbf firmware file on the top folder of the USB drive. If there are 2 or more .bbf files, it will not work.
Make sure it is the version for your printer. There are MINI, MK3.5, MK3.9-MK4 and XL versions.
Once the USB stick is inserted, use the RESET button to get system to re-read the USB drive and initiate the update. It should then ask to install firmware.
RE: How To Install Firmware?
The rules on my MK4
USB2 stick, FAT32
Only 1 .bbf firmware file on the top folder of the USB drive. If there are 2 or more .bbf files, it will not work.
Make sure it is the version for your printer. There are MINI, MK3.5, MK3.9-MK4 and XL versions.
Once the USB stick is inserted, use the RESET button to get system to re-read the USB drive and initiate the update. It should then ask to install firmware.
Thanks. I've verified i have a single bbf file on a freshly formatted 4GB USB stick, the file is named MINI..., it's recognized by the printer when i plug it in but ignored when i push reset.
RE: How To Install Firmware?
Try step 8 here. Othewise it suggests trying a different USB2 drive. Good Luck
RE: How To Install Firmware?
Thanks for the replies. after googling around a bit i tried updating to 4.4 (i'm at 4.3.4). that worked and updated the bootloader. i don't know if i'll have to do eaach individual release - i'l try 5.1 next. instructions could be better.