Higher Models "change" color and sometimes collide with noozle
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[Rozwiązany] Higher Models "change" color and sometimes collide with noozle  

Active Member
Higher Models "change" color and sometimes collide with noozle

Hi there, 3d-print-newbie here  🙂

I got a weird print failure. When a model has a certain height the "filament" changes color.
I guess this happens due to a more or less dense layering?
Then sometimes the nozzle hits the model (maybe because it's higher than it should be?), which leads to bigger print issues.

Here's a model (0.15mm, PLA PrusaFilament) which failed three times already, with exactly the same print issue:

What I already tried:
- I ensured all screws on the bed are fixed.
- I ensured all screws on the Z motor are fixed.
- I raised the brim to 10mm

I got no first-layer problems at all.

Any ideas, what could be wrong?


Best Answer by qwertzui11:

Thanks for your ideas and feedback!

As it turns out, the cable of the extruder "popped" onto the bed, after a few centimeters of z height, and messed with my prints.
I didn't recognize it because when it has been low or the bed is in the front (Y-azis) the cable has been under the bed.

Thanks again for your time,

Opublikowany : 04/11/2022 8:55 am
Member Moderator
RE: Higher Models "change" color and sometimes collide with noozle


can you please discribe more pricise way?

1. did you slice the model yourselve?

2. attach please the .gcode file

3. does the model stick on the bed ok?

cannot be the model being printed horizonatly instead of verticaly?

bumping the nozzle to the model does result in crash detection?


Weak model adhesion on the bed could lead to its bending and then the edge of the model can bacome higher and the nozzle can crash to it.


even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Opublikowany : 05/11/2022 8:00 am
qwertzui11 polubić
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Higher Models "change" color and sometimes collide with noozle

Thanks for your ideas and feedback!

As it turns out, the cable of the extruder "popped" onto the bed, after a few centimeters of z height, and messed with my prints.
I didn't recognize it because when it has been low or the bed is in the front (Y-azis) the cable has been under the bed.

Thanks again for your time,

Opublikowany : 07/11/2022 9:08 pm