Heatbed thermistor cable keeps catching on edge of the bed, then causing massive issues by pulling on the bed and jamming the motor.
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Heatbed thermistor cable keeps catching on edge of the bed, then causing massive issues by pulling on the bed and jamming the motor.  

New Member
Heatbed thermistor cable keeps catching on edge of the bed, then causing massive issues by pulling on the bed and jamming the motor.

Not really sure what to do here. Might end up designing a clamp to add to the vents on the circuitry box, but my cable keeps getting pushed up and over and then getting pulled tight on the corner, limiting Y-Axis movement. Has anyone else had/solved this issue?


Postato : 19/10/2021 10:12 am
Illustrious Member

Must be something wrong with your cable path. I'd go back to the assembly instructions and make sure the cable is routed properly. You didn't state what printer you're using but I have Mk3Ss and Minis, and if done properly, the cable path is fine.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Postato : 19/10/2021 6:07 pm
Active Member
RE: Heatbed thermistor

If I were you, I would prioritize fixing this issue and taking extra care to route the cables very carefully.

I just discovered this morning (by experience) that the heatbed thermistor's cable is rather finicky and can easily get micro-fractures leading to Mintemp issues that will put a stop to all printing activities unless you want to risk prints failing after a few hours or not starting at all (another thing I learn the hard way).

Please see below:

Bed Thermistor - failing - MINTEMP BED - known issue?

Questo post è stato modificato 3 years fa da Sandersann
Postato : 24/10/2021 1:05 am