Had first clog today - fails z-axis selftest
Printing ABS and had a fail. Extruder grinded away like a champ tho (Bondtech upgrade).
Cleared out the clog (it was in the nozzle of all places).
After all reassembly, recalibration and setting up the profile for texture-sheet1 i'm using i noticed the Selftest-option in the menu...
And after having taking things apart and put back i figured i would go for it.
All checks pass, except for the Z-axis. It goes up to +185 then back down and stops at +4 coming back down.
The printer works like it should anyways.
I just wonder if anyone else have managed to fail the selftest after printermaintenence?
I did try and adjust the trapezoid nut but no improvement.
Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3