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gcode to change build sheet?  

gcode to change build sheet?

I have a few sheets that I build on.

Each time I change sheets I have to disconnect from Octoprint, go to settings, change sheet, then go back to Octoprint and connect. At this point I can print again.

I did some searching around but I haven't found anything that will work for this.


Should I make a request via GitHub?

Publié : 10/10/2021 6:00 pm
Eminent Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

Did you ever find out..?

Publié : 02/02/2023 10:22 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

Nopers, I have not, nor did I open an issue. I have settled on just printing everything on the satin sheet cause it's the freak'n bomb for anything I have thrown at it.

Publié : 03/02/2023 5:03 pm
Honorable Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

The sheet type is written in the EEPROM of the printer. There g-code has no access. I hope so.

Nejsem zaměstnancem Prusa Research.

Publié : 03/02/2023 5:17 pm
Eminent Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

Yea, well, I do like satin too, but still, I keep juggling nozzles, filaments and sheets all the time and that's a pity I can have custom buttons in Octo for all but those sheets.:-/

Publié : 03/02/2023 10:18 pm
Honorable Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

Changing the nozzle or filament will change the gcode. But changing the sheet will not affect the gcode. Changing the sheet will affect the z-offset.

There is no instruction in the gcode to change the sheet settings, nor directly to change the z-offset. Such gcode was not good to share.

Nejsem zaměstnancem Prusa Research.

Publié : 03/02/2023 11:38 pm
Reputable Member

I"m not sure what the issue is..  On MK3,  the LCD menu on the front has a setting to select one of 3 sheets. (assume Mini is similar) Each sheet has its own Z offset that needs to be calibrated. Change a sheet, change the setting on the LCD menu.. you are good to go. Octoprint stays connected. Changing the sheet only affects the Z offset because sheets are differing thicknesses.  In an ideal world, a sheet would have an RFID that the onboard computer could read and would automatically make the proper Z adjustment.. Likely in very expensive 3D printers that is a feature. Changing a sheet has no effect on Octoprint.. so I am confused there.

Publié : 04/02/2023 2:48 am
Eminent Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

OK than, let me explain. I'm using Mini+Octo. Octo highjacks the Mini's screen leaving only a very few options accessible and sheet change is not one of them. I can create custom buttons in Octo, which usually sends a gcode, this way I can change filaments without having to disconnect Octo, for example. It would be nice if there would be a gcode for the sheet/z change OP and I asked about because that's the last task requiring regular disconnection.

Publié : 04/02/2023 11:10 am
Reputable Member

ahh.. when I started writing the reply previously, I didn't realize your query was from the mini forum.. With the MK3+ and the standard Octoprint, you still have the normal LCD display functionality.

Publié : 04/02/2023 1:34 pm
Eminent Member

You're way too harsh. Maybe Prusa do not want to adapt their products to Octoprint but maybe it's Gina who needs to make changes in Octoprint; maybe there are some technical limitations which make it impossible, maybe no one had time to look into it so far, you'd be surprised how small teams work on this stuff which is being used globally in insane number of instances...My point is, you can never know why it is the way it is without direct participation on one of the projects. If you'd like to have Prusa-made interface to have better control over his printers, good for you, it's no secret PrusaLink is in heavy works to provide exactly that.

When it comes to gcode (properly named RS-274), it's more of an open standard today, very versatile. If you'd like to know more about flavors used in 3Dprint, you can look here.

edit: I see you removed the part I was replying to before I posted, but if you won't mind, I leave it here anyway.

Ce message a été modifié il y a 2 years par Ren
Publié : 04/02/2023 1:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

grin.. yes.. that is why I deleted the last part.. Gina is working flat out in Octoprint.. which supports virtually all 3D printers that have USB links. Now changing Sheets is so common in 3D printing.. that maybe this would be a good mod to GCODE, but not sure if she would be the one to make that addition. But there are two changes to make.. one to extend the GCODE language.. Hopefully in a way that would benefit all 3D printers, then to the firmware for Prusa's printers to respond to that code. Since GCODE is common to all CNC machines for moving motors, this might not be something that would be widely accepted.. It would be a good ticket to add to the GITHUB issues for the Mini+ firmware/buddy. I've put gouges into my smooth PEI by forgetting to change the LCD option sheet after changing to that sheet. (rough is lower Z than smooth, so if LCD setting is rough and I have smooth, noozle buries into smooth). Having that option in Octoprint might make it easier to remember.. and maybe then it could be more automated. 


Publié : 04/02/2023 2:10 pm
Eminent Member
RE: gcode to change build sheet?

I bet we all have these dents in our sheets because it is not 'if' but 'when'.:-)

When it comes to gcode, the standard is not rigid at all, and especially M-range of commands allows free additions. If you want to stay in sync with the rest of the world, you can use the Reprap repo I linked to book the command for yourself. And we, 3dprinters, parted with large CNC machines a while ago already, so there shouldn't really be any issue. I believe it's just a question of time and demand for implementation, so maybe one day....

Publié : 04/02/2023 2:20 pm
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