FW V5.1.2 usable without losing anything important?
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FW V5.1.2 usable without losing anything important?  

Eminent Member
FW V5.1.2 usable without losing anything important?

I'm currently still on FW 4.3.4 (The version that introduced Pressure EQ I think)
and didn't notice any breaking issues with it.

I waited for ages to get V4.4.x FW bug fixed for existing breaking issues, as I was eager to get the new print via web UI feature and non-shitty Prusa Connect
+ maybe Wifi and ofc all the imrovements made for better printing.
It first seemed like the breaking bugs just won't get fixed and then after years FW 5.1.2 came and it "seemed" those other bugs were fixed according to Github.
(at least they are no longer listed as "open")
BUT I still see threads in the forums that claim, that overall print quality has dropped with FW 4.4.x and 5 compared to <= 4.3.x
and that an array of things that once worked, no longer work as good or at all.
(Print quality drop, self-tests randomly failing, USB issues, Purge option not working, enabled filament sensor being ignored, ...)

I know forums show a skewed image, as only people with problems post,
but seeing even 1 post that print quality has dropped or certain functions no longer working makes me wary of upgrading.
Bc I love the current printing quality and reliability of my MINI+.
Software should continually get better and not have other stuff break with every update.

So, all in all, do you guys feel like upgrading from V4.3 to V5 will be an actual improvement,
or will I lose my quite satisfying printing performance, or other important features in the process?
Am I overthinking? Would you still upgrade after having already tested FW 5?
Can I safely downgrade to my old version if things go south?

Bc if it's currently a vabanque game, then I will abstain from updating and keep my running system
and continue to miss and crave all those new features for literally years... 🤔 

Postato : 05/04/2024 4:41 pm
Reputable Member
RE: FW V5.1.2 usable without losing anything important?

I dont know about downgrading, but i upgraded from 4.3.4 when i did some maintenence and swapped nozzle a few weeks ago.

I upgraded every firmwarestep in order just to be safe.

I have this mini+ tuned with 0.4 nozzle and pla for signs and magnet-buttons and tags which i ofted do with colorswaps and text.


So was i have not seen any change in quality of the prints.

I swapped from 0.6 to 0.4 running IS 0.2 speed profiles and getting about the same print-times as with 0.6 and 0.3/speed profiles before.

Prusa Mini+ kit. BondTech extruder. FW 5.1.2
Prusa MK3S+ kit. Stock. FW 3.11.0
Prusa MK3S+, used. Stock. FW 3.13.3

Postato : 06/04/2024 7:49 pm