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Firmware Release 4.4.0 issue  

Active Member
Firmware Release 4.4.0 issue

I noticed this on the 4.4.0 RC and was hoping it was fixed in the official release version but I am having the same issues.

In Octoprint or any other software package that allows you to see the terminal output from the mini, after mesh bed leveling, the returned values are sometimes missing or just plain wrong.  Sometimes an entire line is missing; sometimes it’s just a value it two on one line. See the attached photo for an example.

I’ve verified this issue across 3 separate Buddy boards (rev 1.0.7, rev 1.0.0, rev 1.0.8), Prusa Mini firmware 4.4.0 RC1 and Prusa Mini firmware latest release

Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2022 8:21 am
Jakub Dolezal
Mitglied Admin
RE: Firmware Release 4.4.0 issue

Hi Prongato,

please start an issue on GitHub, here on the forums it can get lost.

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Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2022 4:57 pm