Filament sensor worked, but I couldn't pull out the remaining filament.
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[Risolto] Filament sensor worked, but I couldn't pull out the remaining filament.  

New Member
Filament sensor worked, but I couldn't pull out the remaining filament.

Hi there,

I just assembled my Mini+ this weekend and got to test the filament sensor today. It worked (not surprised there, it seems great!), but when unloading the filament it didn't get all of the filament past the extruder. I could see a little tip in the PTFE tube just a few cm from the extruder wheel (I'm sorry, I can't remember all the names of the parts, but I have added a picture with a red ring where the tip of the filament could be seen), but I didn't get a chance to unload more on the display. I could only continue and the filament was stuck and I didn't know how to proceed.

So, what I did was press continue, let it purge, stop the print then unload filament, which because of the purge before was short enough to get past the extruder and could easily be pulled out.

What should I have done differently? This was a testprint, so stopping it wasn't an issue, but it will be at some point.

I hope my description makes sense.


Postato : 12/10/2021 6:15 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:

It was a single coincidence, and after a chat with support I was told I could press continue, pause print, change filament and then resume print, if it happened again.

Postato : 13/10/2021 4:29 pm