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Filament sensor triggers randomly
I have a Mini+ and have the filament sensor installed and enabled. The problem is that it is randomly detecting filament runout when the filament is fine. It does the 2-4x per day, which means that it triggers maybe 50-100x more often than it should.
I've figured out part of what is happening. The small piece of PTFE tube on the input becomes loose and allows the filament to move side to side slightly, and when the filament does this it allows the ball/level to rise just enough to trigger the sensor. I've done everything I can think of to tighten/secure that piece of tubing, but it keeps happening. Any ideas or things I should try?
Thanks, Mitch
This topic was modified 1 year temu by Pneumatic
Opublikowany : 22/09/2023 10:50 pm