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Extruder Gears chewing filament  

Juraj Lichtner
New Member
Extruder Gears chewing filament

I wanted to change filament, but didnt want to heat bed. So i went to the settings and set nozzel temp to 210. When it was at right temperature I went to the filament menu and selected unload. Printer prepared for ramming, then ram but only retracted few cm of filament. Gear of the motor were spinning but no filament was pushed out. I tried unloading secound time but no difference. Then I manualy moved extruder via menu, which extruded some plastic, so the filament was able to go inside extruder, but not out. I also saw in the PTFE tube that at one spot filament is chewed and is missing half of width. I tried to unload than and it works. Its not the first time I saw a bit of filament missing while unloading. How do I prevent this from happening? Dont want to get filament stuck in the PTFE tube

Posted : 23/12/2019 11:05 pm