Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament
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Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament  

New Member
Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament

Hello, I tried printing flex filament...now the flex stucked somewhere in the extruder (Gears). Is there a guide for disassembling it? Or it's just losing the 4 screews on the side where the stepper for extruding sits on?



Veröffentlicht : 27/04/2020 8:12 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament

Its easier than it looks. 2 screw on the back hold the WHOLE assembly to the Y axis.

when its removed, there are then 5 or 6 screw on the other side which allow you to split both 1/2

when you get inside there is literally one loose part... a cog/gear.

All the screws are the same length so reassembly is easy.

Veröffentlicht : 27/04/2020 9:29 pm
Active Member
RE: Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament

you do not need to remove the entire assembly. You can get to the filament by removing 3 bolts from the Extruder engine side. 1 bolt in upper left (the bolt that holds the idle access hatch), one in the upper right (that holds the top of the tension  hatch) and one in the bottom left.

remove those three bolts and that part of the block will come loose. there are then 4 bolts on the back side to remove (+ the idle tension bolt) to remove the back of that section of the block.

Veröffentlicht : 28/04/2020 12:23 am
Honorable Member
RE: Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament
Posted by: @themartyr781

you do not need to remove the entire assembly. You can get to the filament by removing 3 bolts from the Extruder engine side. 1 bolt in upper left (the bolt that holds the idle access hatch), one in the upper right (that holds the top of the tension  hatch) and one in the bottom left.

remove those three bolts and that part of the block will come loose. there are then 4 bolts on the back side to remove (+ the idle tension bolt) to remove the back of that section of the block.

Isnt that exactly what i suggested?


Veröffentlicht : 28/04/2020 7:41 am
New Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Extruder disassembling because stucked flex Filament

Thank you both for answers, the dissasembling works fine. The second print try not really.

The flex filament stucked again, I think it's went out of the "Guiding" while retrackting.

Veröffentlicht : 29/04/2020 8:52 pm