Error after firmware upgrade
This error appeared after the firmware update. I had the original firware and was trying to have a better experience (having access over the network). Now I have network access but I can't print. Says:
The Requested E1 temperature was not reached.
Nozzle temp: 14/170
Bed temp: 14/100
Firmware Version: 4.2.1
Ichecked the wiring and everything seems to be normal. Suggestions?
Best Answer by Gordon W:
The firmware is set to allow a minimum temperature of 15 degrees. If you use a hair dryer (or a cup of coffee under the hot end) to heat it up by one or two degrees you should be fine.
RE: Error after firmware upgrade
I downgraded the firmware but unfortunately the error remains.
I've been looking elsewhere. Do they talk about broken cables?
How can I check if this is the case?
Is there a representative in Portugal who can verify what is going on with the printer?
RE: Error after firmware upgrade
The firmware is set to allow a minimum temperature of 15 degrees. If you use a hair dryer (or a cup of coffee under the hot end) to heat it up by one or two degrees you should be fine.
RE: Error after firmware upgrade
This error appeared after the firmware update. I had the original firware and was trying to have a better experience (having access over the network). Now I have network access but I can't print. Says:
The Requested E1 temperature was not reached.
Nozzle temp: 14/170
Bed temp: 14/100Firmware Version: 4.2.1
Ichecked the wiring and everything seems to be normal. Suggestions?
For some, this is likely to happen during the cold season when the printer is located in an unheated basement or garage. You can warm up the printing plate and the hotend a little bit with tools like a hair dryer or a small heater. Another possibility would be to change the firmware (mintemp to 10 degrees C.), but for most of us this is not an option (loss of warranty of the buddy board...).
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Error after firmware upgrade
Gordon-w, Karl-herbert, your suggestions worked. Thank you very much.
RE: Error after firmware upgrade
Thanks for the feedback!
Now how did you preheat the printer! Maybe a picture?
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.