Cracking noise in extruder. It seems to be some kind of cavity in the heatbrake
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Cracking noise in extruder. It seems to be some kind of cavity in the heatbrake  

Manu M
Trusted Member
Cracking noise in extruder. It seems to be some kind of cavity in the heatbrake

I hear a cracking noise when I extrude my filament, and the printer doesn't print anything useful.

It seems to be caused by the heat break. I recently opened the extruder at the spring-loaded door and removed any debris from there, but there was nearly none, and it's still cracking.

But today, I checked if the problem is in the hot end and noticed a kind of cavity in it. So, I removed the Bowden tube from the hot end and put some material in it. When I push it inside, it feels a bit like filling something, because it doesn't spill out directly from the nozzle when I push it in. And when I push it out again, I have much of the old color on the tip of the new color, about 20mm or so.

I tried to unscrew the heat break and readjust because it seems the heat break is a bit high, and I can see a slightly bit of the thread of it, but I didn't have any success. Any ideas on what to do, or should I replace the heat break?

Napsal : 28/07/2023 3:05 pm
Illustrious Member

Begin by clearing out any clog, burned filament or foreign particles ... a couple of cold pulls should help:


Napsal : 28/07/2023 7:18 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Cracking noise in extruder. It seems to be some kind of cavity in the heatbrake

Crackling sounds could be moisture in the filament as well. You're basically hearing the moisture boil off and pop out the nozzle as it heats the filament.

Napsal : 15/08/2023 7:26 pm