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Bowden tube trouble  

New Member
Bowden tube trouble


I'm facing with a trouble at the bowden tube in extruder side. The tube is pushed out after 10 min of printing. After second time I change the tube with a new one from Capricorn but the same. I also change the connectors with pneumatic PC4 connectors. This is how it looks after last one:

Any Ideas?

Postato : 31/10/2021 6:29 am
Honorable Member

We need to answer the question, why was the tube pushed out. In what case can that happen? Yes, it will happen in case, when extruder pushes the filament, but filament has nowhere to go. And so, the problem is not the PTFE tube (assuming it's properly assembled).
The cause of your issue is most probably inside hotend -something is preventing enough filament to come out of nozzle. I recommend to take it apart and check stuff inside.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Postato : 31/10/2021 8:20 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

I suspect a partially clogged nozzle. It happens mostly in the infill process when the extruder push more filament into the nozzle. i just disassemble the hotend and cleaned everything. The first calibration print went okay, now I'm printing again the same piece.

Tnx. Bogdan

Postato : 31/10/2021 9:32 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Everything seems to work now.

Postato : 31/10/2021 7:29 pm

What is the reason for change from original connectors to PC4?

Postato : 04/11/2021 12:27 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bowden tube trouble

Because the nozzle was partially clogged the original tube was pushed about from the original brass olives. I found locally the new tube and connectors and I did the modification in one day. No need to wait one week or more for replacement parts from Prusa.

Postato : 14/12/2021 7:17 pm