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Adjusting retraction length for filament changes  

Adjusting retraction length for filament changes

My mini is super reliable, but there is one failure I keep getting over and over. Sometimes there is an extra bit of melted filament on the end that is a bit longer than the printer expects, and it stops retracting with a melted bit of plastic stuck in the extruder gears.

In almost all of these cases, they could be avoided by retracting the filament for an extra second during the filament change procedure. Unfortunately, this all within the m600 command controlled by on board firmware, so there does not seem to be a way to do this in the slicer. Even if I did figure out a way to do this in the slicer, I still would want to adjust the retraction when changing filament using the menu on the prusa mini.

Is there a setting or other way I can tune this to retract just a bit more?

Postato : 10/11/2023 2:19 am