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3 thermistors on mini+?  

New Member
3 thermistors on mini+?

The homepage says the following:

Safety Features


Every part we use is thoroughly tested in-house. This is why our 3D printers are highly reliable and safe to use. The MINI+ is equipped with three thermistors and comes with a high-quality power supply (Delta or Mean Well - depending on region) for safe and reliable information.

I checked the manuals and the thermistors replacement guides, I can only find two: heatbed + hotend. Where is the third located?




Posted : 05/02/2023 9:53 pm
Active Member
RE: 3 thermistors on mini+?

I dont own one myself but I would say there may be one on the control board 

Posted : 05/02/2023 10:28 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 3 thermistors on mini+?

that would at least make sense. Thanks

Currently, I'm assembling one. If I only new what part to look for. Once done, maybe I go hunting specs of the board.

Posted : 15/02/2023 6:56 pm
Reputable Member
RE: 3 thermistors on mini+?

That is an smd version NTCG104LH104JTDS,

which you can find at position TH1.

This is probably used to check whether the head bed connector does not get too hot.

Posted : 16/02/2023 7:54 am