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User defined path for config files???  

New Member
User defined path for config files???

Hello Community,

I still do my first steps with a I3 MK3S and the Prusa Slicer 2.5.0 and 2.6.0 Alpha. I do have several PCs and one Laptop and I would Like to Change the default path of the config files from the user folder to a NAS folder in order to get access from all systems with the slicer on it to the same set of config files. The only way I know up to now is a manual distribution over a dedicated NAS folder to the ofter systems. 

How can I change the default path to the NAS folder?

Tanks in advance TomS

Respondido : 26/02/2023 11:49 am
Illustrious Member
RE: User defined path for config files???

Wish people would search as this topic has come up multiple times.  You cant change the 'default'.  At the moment its hardcoded.  You can launch the software with a switch to point to where the storage location is though. 

an alternate method - https://forum.prusa3d.com/forum/prusaslicer/prusaslicer-configurations-for-multiple-computers/

Respondido : 26/02/2023 2:24 pm