how to change print settings when you only have the gcode file?
I am trying to print a project I made a while back but I only have the sliced and ready to print gcode of the project. The gcode file is set to print pla but I need to print it with petg so the temps need to be higher. I tried adjusting the nozzle temp hotter in the "tune" section on my mk3s when starting the print but it went back to the pla settings after a few minutes of printing and that was not hot enough for the petg to print properly. Is there anyway to convert a gcode file back into a stl file or maybe there is a way to modify nozzle and bed temps of the gcode file?
Thanks for any tips!
The answer is: Yes, in theory ... but it's not just the temperatures that will need changing.
It's almost certain to be faster and less error prone to redesign the part from scratch.
As a rule, don't bother saving gcodes. It's the original design code that holds all the vital information. Get into the habit of saving your CAD files and delete the gcode and stl files - you might save 3mf if the slice is really tricky.
RE: how to change print settings when you only have the gcode file?
Thanks for your reply, I did manage to find the stl files this morning so I'm good to go, I'm still a novice at making my own prints so redesigning these parts would have been a long process for me so I'm glad I found them!