Has Prusa worked on "smart"/reactive printer firmware?
I have a Prusa iMK3S and think its great. But maybe it could be greater...
Has Prusa worked on control systems that have a more reactive/"smart" type of control. For example if the print starts to fail identify it with via a camera feed? Or with sensors added to the printer and using their outputs?
You seem to be the type of company that is always experimenting so I just wonder. I've started to build one myself, but if you open sourced something already that I've somehow missed it would be great to know and save me some time! Or if you tried and found it impossible for some reason, that would also be good to know 🙂
p.s. I have googled and found spaghetti detective and a few research articles that I could use and work from, but perhaps someone knows something I missed
RE: Has Prusa worked on "smart"/reactive printer firmware?
This is a user-user forum, and it's likely Prusa won't see this. While those are fine ideas, they are very likely to add considerably to costs for features that not every user will necessarily want.
and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan
RE: Has Prusa worked on "smart"/reactive printer firmware?
well, thanks for your answer anyway 🙂 I'm interested in what other users have to say as well
RE: Has Prusa worked on "smart"/reactive printer firmware?
Great, I'm having the same problem.
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