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Generating microsurfaces  

New Member
Generating microsurfaces


I want to generate surface with periodical tiny pyramids on surface. How tiny? Very tiny. The thing will be printed on SL1 and the size of these pyramids will be 25-100um.

Normally I use Fusion 360. But there is limit in dimmension - like 0.001mm  and it is impossible to generate pattern like 10 000 x 10 000 objects on my computer.

Have you got any idea how to generate this kind of surface?

Napsal : 09/09/2020 7:23 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Generating microsurfaces

You are running up against the resolution of the printer and possibly the practical limitations of the technology.

Currently theSL1 is advertised as having a 'pixel' limit of 0.047mm and a minimum layer height of 0.025mm - so anything finer than that is, for the moment,  impossible.  Pyramids, or any other shape, have to be calculated in terms of stacks of these pixel blocks so the nearest, smallest, approximation of a pyramid (one block placed on nine) would give a pyramid of 0.141x0.141x0.072mm with a 0.045mm seperation.

Part/feature repetition is much easier programmatically, such as this OpenSCAD script:

// many pyramids


for( x=[0:xnumber-1]){
for( y=[0:ynumber-1]){

module pyramid(){

Which gives you the attached image ...but if you're planning millions of features you'll neet plenty of memory and expect huge object files.

Napsal : 10/09/2020 12:50 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Generating microsurfaces

I figured something like:

linear_extrude(height = 1, scale = 1.0)
square([20, 20], center = true);


for (i = [0 : 1 : 199])
for (j = [0 : 1 : 199])
translate([-20/2+0.05 + i*0.10, -20/2+0.05+ j*0.10, 1])
sphere(r = 0.05);

Thanks @diem for code for generating pyramids. With spheres it was easier for me 😉

But even with array 200x200 objects it take some time to generate object...

I know that I'm pushing the printer limits - I'm trying to achieve something like:


Napsal : 10/09/2020 9:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Generating microsurfaces


You'll always have problems generating a structure with so many faces - the file will be huge.  In this sort case it would probably be quicker to generate the image files for the LCD directly, this is really a set of patterns creating a texture so creating the geometry is an extra, computationally intensive, step.

The LCD in the SL1 doesn't have the ulta-fine resolution of the example in the paper you linked - it's an order of magnitude finer than you would expect in any hobby printer.

It may be possible to modify your SL1 to accept a replacement LCD or to insert a lens but that's a whole new project.

If you want to experiment with hydrophobic surfaces it might be easier to phot-etch a sheet of metal and use that, heated and then cooled in contact, to emboss a thermoplastic surface but there is a chance that a hydrophobic surface structure might also be molten-plastic-phobic too which would interfere with the process.

Napsal : 11/09/2020 11:52 am