Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer
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Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer  

Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer


i have the following problem:

When I send objects from Fusion360 directly to PrusaSlicer, they are open with "Prusa Slicer G-Code Viewer" (an not with "PrusaSlicer").

PrusaSlicer 2.6.0-alpha6 & Fusion360 2.0.15509 x86_64

This behavior is kinda new - earlier this works without issues...

Best Answer by Tim Weston:


Test results with macOS 13.3.1 on Intel hardware. Fusion 360 2.0.15775 x86_64 [Native] and PrusaSlicer (2.5.2. or 2.6.0 alpha) running in English.

  • With body name in Fusion  360 set to 'Body 1', the 3D Print command will open PrusaSlicer correctly.
  • With body name set to 'Körper 1', the G-Code Viewer opens but the plate is empty.
  • Behaviour is the same for all versions of PrusSlicer that I have (2.5.2 and 2.6.0 alphas).
  • The same behaviour is also seen if the component name has an umlaut in it and you print the component instead of the body.
  • Same behaviour is seen if you use other accented characters e.g. Czech ěščřž.


Just tested with Cura 5.2.1 as well and that shows the same problem:

  • Body name without umlaut is shown correctly on the Cura plate.
  • Body name with umlaut does not appear on the Cura plate and the slicer says there is nothing to slice.


I dug a little deeper:

  • I exported the component from Fusion 360 as an STL file - e.g. Körper.stl.
  • I opened that in PrusaSlicer and an empty G-Code viewer opens as before.
  • I changed the file name to 'Korper.stl' - the file then opens correctly.
  • I changed the file name back to 'Körper.stl' - the file still opens correctly.


Conclusion: Looks like Fusion 360 is not properly handling Unicode representations of characters with accents or diacritics. There is further evidence for that as well. When I try and insert an 'ö' character in a body name by holding down the 'o' key and choosing the umlauted version, Fusion 360 will also insert the 'o', so the name comes out as 'Koörper'.

Workaround: Stick to standard characters for component and body names.

Hope that all helps!



Napsal : 04/04/2023 5:34 pm
Tim Weston
Estimable Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

I just tested 2.6.0-alpha-6 with Fusion 360 2.0.15775 x86_64 under macOS 13.3 and everything is normal. Presumably you are exporting via the  '3D Print' command under the 'File' menu or?



Napsal : 04/04/2023 6:18 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

Let me show it...

Bildschirmaufnahme 2023-04-06 um 09.24.39

Fusion is also up do date: Fusion 360 2.0.15775 x86_64 [Rosetta 2]

Napsal : 06/04/2023 7:29 am
Tim Weston
Estimable Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

Using the button in the Utilities menu in the UI does exactly the same as using the command from the main menu bar.

The only difference here is that I am on Intel silicon and you are on Apple silicon via Rosetta 2. My guess would be a bug in the PS 2.6.0 alpha. Have you checked under PS 2.5.2 and/or looked at the reported bugs for the PS alpha on Github? Perhaps check it on Intel silicon too if you have the possibility.



Napsal : 06/04/2023 7:53 am
Active Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer


could you solve it? Same Problem here!

Napsal : 08/04/2023 9:08 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

Unfortunately no, even with different versions of Fusion360 and PrusaSlicer I still have the same problem...


Napsal : 10/04/2023 1:03 pm
Active Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

Ok lets stay in contact!

Did you try an imported stl? That still works with mine. Every model I made does not. Question is if its an issue of MaxOS, Fusion or Prusa…

Napsal : 10/04/2023 1:43 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

Yes, i tried: It is the same problem. Fusion still opens the G-Code Viewer.

Napsal : 11/04/2023 9:34 am
Active Member


I made it...

Can I expect you are german? Because its a "german" problem with my setup 😉

Try to change the preset body name from "Körper1" in anything without ä ö ü and it works!

I just wrote to fusion helpdesk with whom I was discussing already.

Please test and give feedback!

Also nochmal auf deutsch 😉

Es liegt bei mir an den Umlauten. Die Standard Bezeichnung für die Körper ist "Körper1, Körper2...usw. Irgend eine Schnittstelle mag die Umlaute nicht mehr plötzlich. Ob es an Fusion oder Mac liegt weiß ich nicht...bei Cura geht es ja auch nicht deshalb denke ich nicht, dass es ein Prusa / Slicer Problem ist.

Teste bitte und gib feedback!


Napsal : 13/04/2023 5:17 pm
Demokan se líbí
Tim Weston
Estimable Member


Test results with macOS 13.3.1 on Intel hardware. Fusion 360 2.0.15775 x86_64 [Native] and PrusaSlicer (2.5.2. or 2.6.0 alpha) running in English.

  • With body name in Fusion  360 set to 'Body 1', the 3D Print command will open PrusaSlicer correctly.
  • With body name set to 'Körper 1', the G-Code Viewer opens but the plate is empty.
  • Behaviour is the same for all versions of PrusSlicer that I have (2.5.2 and 2.6.0 alphas).
  • The same behaviour is also seen if the component name has an umlaut in it and you print the component instead of the body.
  • Same behaviour is seen if you use other accented characters e.g. Czech ěščřž.


Just tested with Cura 5.2.1 as well and that shows the same problem:

  • Body name without umlaut is shown correctly on the Cura plate.
  • Body name with umlaut does not appear on the Cura plate and the slicer says there is nothing to slice.


I dug a little deeper:

  • I exported the component from Fusion 360 as an STL file - e.g. Körper.stl.
  • I opened that in PrusaSlicer and an empty G-Code viewer opens as before.
  • I changed the file name to 'Korper.stl' - the file then opens correctly.
  • I changed the file name back to 'Körper.stl' - the file still opens correctly.


Conclusion: Looks like Fusion 360 is not properly handling Unicode representations of characters with accents or diacritics. There is further evidence for that as well. When I try and insert an 'ö' character in a body name by holding down the 'o' key and choosing the umlauted version, Fusion 360 will also insert the 'o', so the name comes out as 'Koörper'.

Workaround: Stick to standard characters for component and body names.

Hope that all helps!



Napsal : 13/04/2023 6:58 pm
Kugelfang a Demokan se líbí
Active Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

Hello Tim,

thanks for your diggin 😉

I guess its not an fusion issue...Apple changed OS to Unicode 15 as I just found...there are several people having issues with the umlauts independent from Fusion or 3D print stuff. I don't really know anything about this but I really guess its an MacOS unicode thing.

Workaround is fine for me now but we'll see what Fusion helpdesk says..


Napsal : 13/04/2023 7:57 pm
Tim Weston
Estimable Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

That could be.

I just took an exported STL file with an umlaut in the name and opened it in PrusaSlicer running on macOS 12.6.3. The file opened correctly.



Napsal : 13/04/2023 8:47 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

JA, indeed 😉

Oh wow, i tried your "fix": Renamed "Körper 1" into something else ("Nubsi") and it worked! Great, thanks a lot 🙂 

Napsal : 14/04/2023 3:15 pm
Active Member
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

WOW thanks for posting this. I had the same issue and it was driving me nuts!

Napsal : 01/05/2023 12:38 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fusion360 opens "PrusaSlicer G-Code Viewer" when sending files directly to PrusaSlicer

The problem seems to be fixed with the current Fusion360 version (2.0.16009 x86_64 [Rosetta 2]).

Napsal : 03/05/2023 9:16 am