Blind guy looking for slicing solutions for Prusa Mini
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Blind guy looking for slicing solutions for Prusa Mini  

Oliver Kennett
Blind guy looking for slicing solutions for Prusa Mini

Hi everyone, I'm looking to pick some Prusa user brains... Yum, brains!


I'm blind and 3D print. I've got a Mini on order and, naturally, want to make sure I can get the best out of it that I can however, there are several barriers which need to be overcome:


1. Prusaslicer isn't accessible to any really useful degree on Mac whilst using VoiceOver... Plus it constantly crashes out. Something to do with the way one must use arrow keys with VoiceOver to navigate that causes it I think.


2. I can't seem to find any good profiles for Cura which is also poor for accessibility though less so than PS as it can let me slice though supports and layer hight are impossible to get to. Also has octoprint integration which is useful.


3. Astroprint is using an old slic3r and cure engine and I didn't go Prusa to spend my days refining a profile. Astroprint, being web based, is completely accessible which is great, but there is no way of importing profiles.


So, in summery, how do I get those sweet sweet refined slicing profiles available in PrusaSlicer to work for me?... There are obviously other things I can and can't do so please ask, but it does feel close. It may be possible for me to have someone set up PS to open to a single profile each time which I might be able to hit the slice button, but it crashes out with VoiceOver on, and I can't add supports or change layer hight... 


Ideas? Suggestions? Thanks 🙂

Opublikowany : 12/07/2020 11:10 am