2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?
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2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?  

Estimable Member
2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

Pretty much as the title says...  I am using Fusion 360 and can easily make an extruded logo on my surface.  But now I need a second body/filler to fill that extrusion with a second color.

Any hints?



Postato : 26/06/2020 1:41 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

Talking this through as I learn...

Draw the sketch on a face.

Create new component, select that component, extrude the logo into the body.

No I have a main color main body and a second component with the second color logo embedded within the main body.

Trying to separate that second component out of main body as a separate body so that I can get two STL files.  Previously I have only split on planes.  Plane split won't work here...  still googling...

Postato : 26/06/2020 2:03 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

Ah, nevermind.  Since I created a separate component to start, all of its bodies are already separate.

Now I just have to group them and export them as a group to a Color2 STL.

Postato : 26/06/2020 2:08 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

Sorry for keeping a diary here...  I exported the three colors as separate STL files but from what I remember, importing them as a multifile group PrusaSlicer was supposed to recognize it and ask me some questions about colors.  Maybe I need to make my multicolor printer profile first...

Postato : 26/06/2020 5:26 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

OK, made the three extruder profile.  Now when I save the profile, my bed has this big item somehow placed on it.  My object is just that small object in the middle.  Anyone know what that orange object is?


Postato : 26/06/2020 5:41 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

Postato : 26/06/2020 5:46 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2 Color Print - I can extrude any SVG to make a hallow logo, how to fill that with second color?

OK, that is the wipe tower that can be enabled or disabled in the settings.


Postato : 26/06/2020 7:16 pm