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The purpose of beta?  

The purpose of beta?

I find it somewhat strange that we are discussing bugs and suggestions here since August and 1) there has been no new beta release since the initial one 2) nobody from Prusa seems to be responding here (or maybe I didn't recognize them as such). So what's the point?

Napsal : 17/11/2021 10:46 pm
Nox se líbí
Eric E
RE: The purpose of beta?


Don’t trust forum advice.

Napsal : 18/11/2021 12:15 am
RE: The purpose of beta?

I assume that much of the Prusa Team was busy with the launch of the new website. Hopefully, now that the newly redesigned site is up and the Prusa XL has been announced, they will release new updates of the beta before the end of the year (fingers crossed)... 😊

Napsal : 19/11/2021 6:43 pm
printing overnight
RE: The purpose of beta?

There have been very few one-line answers from one member of Prusa dev team, but your point is still valid.

Posted by: @vlastimil

... nobody from Prusa seems to be responding here (or maybe I didn't recognize them as such) ...


Napsal : 19/11/2021 9:29 pm

I'm so sorry for our silence. We are working a lot on a new PrusaLink as well as PrusaConnect. Please give as a few more days.

Napsal : 26/11/2021 12:06 pm
Balu, printing overnight, Nox a 2 lidem se líbí
Member Moderator
RE: The purpose of beta?

Truth be told I was made to work on a different project, only now I'm sort of catching up. I do only the printer -> connect and back communications in link (states, commands, file prints etc.), but those have been stuck in the same place for months now. Now the other project is waiting for stuff, so I'm free to work on this. I'll be gone for like two weeks to finish the other thing, after that it's hopefully PrusaLink all day everyday.

Napsal : 26/11/2021 12:48 pm
Balu, printing overnight, Nox a 2 lidem se líbí