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Static IP in local network  

Federico Redaelli
Static IP in local network

Hi everyone,

I'm using a lot the Prusa Slicer upload command to a physical printer. I saw that the connection between Prusa Slicer and a physical printer inside your local network is through its IP and API key. Connecting the Raspberry to my network, it used the IP assigned by the DHCP server in the router. In normal situation this is not a problem, because if I reboot the raspberry, the DHCP server would assign the same ip inside the IP lease time. But, if I restart the router, the Raspberry IP would change, and the Prusa Slicer upload command would not work.

I set the static IP in the Raspberry using Putty and SSH connection, like a normal Pi. But, is there the possibility to change this setting in Prusa Link web interface or in another way? If not, it could be a nice feature.

Thank you!!

Posted : 14/12/2021 10:58 am

Your Raspberry Pi Image should be using "http://prusalink.local/" as a hostname which would have been configured during setup. However, being able to configure a static IP address using the web GUI would be helpful nevertheless.

Posted : 14/12/2021 1:32 pm
Federico Redaelli
Topic starter answered:
RE: Static IP in local network

Thank you Daniel,

So if I go in Prusa Slicer, and change the IP from "192.168.x.x" to "http://prusalink.local/" should be the same? Even if the printer chages the local IP?

And if you have multiple printers on the same network? There is the possibiliti to change "http://prusalink.local/" for every printer?

Posted : 14/12/2021 3:23 pm
RE: Static IP in local network

Yes, it's always recommended to use hostnames instead of IP addresses for this specific reason.

You do not need to have it configured to PrusaLink (dot) local, but you should set up different hostnames for each of the printers (if you are using a separate RasPi for each printer on the network).

You can access the hostname settings easily if you previously set up SSH for each of the Raspberry Pi's and running

$ sudo raspi-config

and choosing System Options.

Posted : 14/12/2021 7:49 pm
Federico Redaelli
Topic starter answered:
RE: Static IP in local network

Ok, thank you very much for the explanation!

Posted : 15/12/2021 10:27 am
RE: Static IP in local network

And if this will not work, yes you can set up static ip adress. Here is some tutorial:

Posted : 17/12/2021 3:17 pm