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[PrusaConnect] Notifications  

[PrusaConnect] Notifications


At first, you've done a great job on both PrusaLink and PrusaConnect. PrusaConnect is already much better than FormLabs Dashboard, at least as far as I remember. Graphs will help a lot in troubleshooting hardware problems, and the rest of the interface is handy too. However, one feature I am missing is setting up a notification (SMS/Email/Twitter/Slack), which could tell me when the print fails (MMU2 problem, temperature runaway, power outage, etc..) or when the print finish successfully. This was in FormLabs Dashboard from the beginning, for example.


I absolutely love these stats, especially the estimated end.

Veröffentlicht : 22/08/2021 3:18 pm
JFSolution gefällt das

Hi, thanks for your tip. Yes this is one of the things we plan to work on.

Veröffentlicht : 03/12/2021 9:48 am
JFSolution gefällt das
RE: [PrusaConnect] Notifications

Not clear in your screenprint but are you also seeing the "Material" as a dash (-) in PrusaLink.local? I have yet to see that column populated. Have 3 printers connected. Also - may be wrong - but when print is running - cannot edit nozzle or bed temp.

Also waiting on features added to the "local" UI - impractical to assume internet will be connected 24/7 even though LAN running. Next version? 

Veröffentlicht : 03/12/2021 5:08 pm
RE: [PrusaConnect] Notifications

First of all, it looks really great what you guys are making! The biggest mis for me is push notifications, I would love to get a push notification so I know the printer is ready or a push notification when I need to do a color change. Maybe also an idea to support a push service like Pushover (

Veröffentlicht : 02/01/2022 12:44 pm
RE: [PrusaConnect] Notifications

We all have our favorite system... I prefer Telegram. It also allows you to send commands.

Prusa MK3S

- firmware 3.10.1-4697 PrusaLink - Raspberry Pi Zero, version 0.6.0

Veröffentlicht : 03/01/2022 11:24 am
RE: [PrusaConnect] Notifications

Yes I concur This would be a great feature for the future. It would probably require development of an App for iOS and Android. 


Veröffentlicht : 22/02/2022 4:00 pm