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Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working  

Reputable Member
Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

I set up Prusa Connect soon after I got my MK4, with the 4.7.x firmware installed. Besides slow transfers, I really liked being able to monitor the printer, and best, slice and upload files to Connect and have Connect transfer them to the MK4 while it was already printing, so they were ready to go when my print finished instead of pulling the USB and transferring them. I'm not running production but this was nice as I could shut off my desktop and not need to boot it again in-between prints.

When I uploaded the 5.0.0-rc firmware, Connect stopped transferring files to the MK4. Printer still connected, could monitor/control but if I told it to send a file from Connect to the printer it would just say "transferring" and never transfer. Eventually I'd stop it.

I figured maybe this was a bug, but it persisted with 5.0.0 (release), and I just updated to 5.1.0 and Connect STILL won't transfer to the printer. But again, I can view printer status and control it from Connect.

Is there something else I can try short of delete/remake on Connect? I'd rather not delete my printer from Connect, since it has a bunch of my prints and deleting it would wipe the stats (from Connect). 

Publié : 24/11/2023 8:09 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Update: I cancelled the file transfers. I then went to Connect Files and used the "Start Print" option on one of the two files I just uploaded. Went back to the main page and the transfer worked perfectly! (and the print started, as requested)

I had set up the MK4 in PrusaSlicer with the Connect API and used the "upload to Connect" option in PrusaSlicer after slicing. They uploaded to Connect fine, but then stuck at the transfer to MK4 process.

Previously, when the transfer to MK4 stopped working, I hadn't set it up in PrusaSlicer, I just dragged the files into Connect via a web broswer to upload to Connect, and then told Connect to send them to the MK4, and it would fail there.

So apparently Connect will still send to MK4 if I use the "start print" option, but I want the old option to just transfer to the MK4 without printing to work.

Publié : 24/11/2023 8:13 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Update 2: So as the first file was printing, I went to Connect Files, then on the 2nd file I clicked "Add to queue". Went back to main page and...THAT file transfer to the printer ALSO worked.

So apparently uploading to the printer via Connect doesn't work, and uploading to the printer via PrusaSlicer via Connect doesn't work, but uploading to Connect via PrusaSlicer and then clicking "Start print" or "Add to queue" in Connect does work.

I'll do some more testing then I may submit a bug report if this is repeatable. Unless someone tells me they came across this and found a way to fix it.

Publié : 24/11/2023 8:20 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Now it's working...go figure.

Publié : 25/11/2023 2:45 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Well, the bugs continue. I shut off the printer to swap to a 0.8 nozzle for faster printing of some gridfinity stuff. Turned it back on and transfer to printer with Connect failed. Like before, the transferring symbol on the printer showed up but it didn’t transfer. Some printer resets and cancellations and trying transfer again got it stuck at 8% once, then later I got a file placeholder in my printer menu, and if I clicked the file it would say downloading.

I gave up and switched PrusaSlicer to use PrusaLink and that worked on the first go, after I changed the name from the file Connect put a “placeholder” on my printer with, because the name conflicted.

Guess I’ll just stick to using PrusaLink for the file transfers until this is reliable.

Publié : 26/11/2023 5:01 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Hi, sorry for the trouble and the delay. It took a Monday for me to look through the forum. The feature should allow the printer to start printing while still downloading. This should help us battle the slow upload speeds. But it somehow made the transfers from connect slower / less reliable. Can I ask what region are you in? Like how far from the EU? I saw some other posters having huge slowdowns in downloads, far beyond the printer bottleneck. Thank you

Publié : 27/11/2023 10:25 am
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

No worries. Thanks for the reply!

I'm in Wisconsin, USA. Uploading files to Connect has never been an issue, even if slow. It's the file downloading to the MK4 that is hit or miss. I did have some issues with this in 5.0.0, which I didn't think had the start print before file is fully downloaded option? But I never really tried it after some initial attempts ended in failure until I upgraded to 5.1.0.

I did set up PrusaSlicer to use PrusaLink, which has not had any issues I've seen. But since my earlier post, I did use Connect successfully to transfer files to my printer. On Monday we needed something printed for work quickly, and my MK4 is faster than any of the 3D printers we have at work, so I sliced two files at work and used Connect to send them to my printer and both sent without issue.

Publié : 30/11/2023 2:11 pm
Tojik a aimé
Membre Moderator
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Thank you. Awesome to hear that i's starting to maybe work. *Knocks on wood

Publié : 30/11/2023 3:03 pm
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Happened again today. I tried sending to Printer from PrusaSlicer via Connect. As usual, no issues to Connect. On transfer to printer, it hung up again at 0%. After several minutes, it moved to 1%, then said it would take 6 hours to transfer the 7 MB .bgcode file to the printer. I tried to cancel via Connect multiple times and it would NOT cancel the transfer.

I went up and reset the printer, then came back to my computer and tried to upload the file via PrusaLink, using web browser. I renamed it in case the file was partially on the printer. Well, Connect tried to re-upload (the cancel commands did not work), and only this time it said it would take less than 2 minutes to transfer it to the printer!

I cancelled it again, and this time it actually cancelled. But the upload I started by PrusaLink was going much slower than the transfer from Connect. And while I was typing this message, the upload from PrusaLink had a weird glitch, because it was 60% when I started, but I checked and it's frozen at 31%, so the PrusaLink transfer also failed.

Connect also now says my printer is offline, but it's definitely on. The Wifi symbol is grayed out though.

Guess it's back to sticking with the USB.

Publié : 02/12/2023 5:29 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

God. Sorry I do not work on the MK4 FW nor Connect, so cannot diagnose that, i'll relay it, but i think we have real trouble finding and fixing what the hell is happening. We are trying to have better observing and diagnostic tools, so hopefully hunting for these occasional bugs will get easier in the future. Sorry about this and thanks for the report

Publié : 04/12/2023 8:23 pm
jseyfert3 a aimé
Reputable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Connect to MK4 - Transfers Not Working

Thanks again.

If I have more time at some point, and figure out anything specific, I'll put in a GitHub bug report. But right now I'm a bit busy with other projects.

Publié : 05/12/2023 2:23 pm
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