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Prusa Connect API for automation  

Prusa Connect API for automation

I'm looking for a way to automatically read jobs in the Prusa Connect queue and start them from external software. Is this possible? It looks like prints can be externally loaded and started through Prusa Link, but this bypasses the queue system in Connect.

Publié : 28/05/2024 5:36 am
RE: Prusa Connect API for automation



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Publié : 04/07/2024 4:48 pm
RE: Prusa Connect API for automation

From hacky tests, I'm able to change the printer status on connect, thus triggering the queue, by posting to the connect/app/printers/YOURPRINTERID/commands/sync?

payload is {"command" : "SET_PRINTER_READY"}

you need to send your SESSID cookie with the request for authentification.


Doing that, I can run a local script which retrieves the job status from prusalink and triggers the queue on connect when print is finished. Obviously, the bed needs to be automatically unloaded in the meanwhile.


That said, it would be amazing to have a proper way to do this. Is there documentation anywhere?

Would also be great to be able to run connect locally, or simply implement the queue feature in prusalink. I find connect adding so many layers which are, in my humble automation case, really not needed.

Publié : 05/07/2024 7:22 am
Honorable Member

There is PrusaConnect SDK in python but it exposes only a fraction of API and it can be used to simulate a printer

There is also PrusaLink API available but this is also just a printer spec.

PrusaConnect API spec was not published anywhere AFAIR, so only hacking and reverse engineering is the only way now.


See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Publié : 05/07/2024 3:49 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Connect API for automation

Looking for the same, a proper documented API for PrusaConnect. Wasn‘t successful yet - maybe you know a way how to check if a printer is online?

Publié : 18/08/2024 5:20 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Connect API for automation

Since the raspi sits in the same network as my printer, a simple ping checks the online status now - good enough for me as a workaround.

Publié : 26/08/2024 9:41 am
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