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Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI  

Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI

Probably asking a lot, but just crossed my mind that it would be super nice to have an option on I3 UI that besides printing from SD card there would be an option to print files that are loaded via Prusalink/Prusa connect to internal memory of connected Rpi. I don't know if it is technically possible, just a thought.



Publié : 22/08/2023 5:49 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI

Hi. Writing to the SD card from the printer is hard and you cannot use it, while that's happening. There is no other place to store this info tho. There are also limitations of what kind of filenames you can put on there. 8 chars ascii all caps. They would look like so CALIBR~2.GCO. It would be extra hacky and hard and given the limitations, not very useful. Sorry

I do it for the SETREADY.GCO file, that as the name implies, sets your printer to the ready state. The file should appear on your SD card automatically, if you put a folder named "PrusaLink menu" on there. Again, hacky as all hell, but it's fun

Publié : 22/08/2023 8:16 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI

Hi, tnx for answer, I had gut feeling that it would be hard to implement, but I was curious. Regards

Publié : 23/08/2023 6:13 pm
Tojik a aimé
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI

Hi, sorry for bringing this back to life. Upon reading again, I think we misunderstood each other, maybe I failed to interpret myself clearly :S. I know that loading files from printer to SD card is slow. What I was proposing is that printer is able to read files on connected Rpi (and its internal SD card). So, when you upload files via PrusaLink, they are stored to Rpi. It would be nice, that those files would be able to start printing from printer itself. Say, that there would be option on printer screen like "Print from RPI SD". Tnx

Publié : 22/10/2023 4:01 pm
Membre Moderator
RE: Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI

Yea, that would require some low latency lcd screen controlling communication protocol over serial. I won't get to do that unfortunately. Sorry 🙁

Publié : 23/10/2023 1:19 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Print files in Rpi internal memory from printer UI

Hi, tnx for answer. Regards

Publié : 27/10/2023 4:11 pm
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