[Possible upload patch] Prusa Link uploads from PrusaSlicer
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[Possible upload patch] Prusa Link uploads from PrusaSlicer  

Member Moderator
[Possible upload patch] Prusa Link uploads from PrusaSlicer

It has been mentioned that upload speed is poor and not entirely the Raspi Zero W fault. But as I am forcing to use it I realize that my usual workflow (not running a farm) is only marginally slowed down because of the long upload times (minutes instead of seconds). 

That said, heating up the bed for PETG or ASA takes minutes too. So one idea while a faster upload is figured out (especially when the printer is idling) could be to send pre-heat temperature set-up commands from PrusaSlicer to the printer before starting to upload a file. Then proceed to the somehow slow upload that will overlap with the printer's heating up so there is no wasted time. Users like me will be happier and less bitchy about the upload taking longer than expected 😉

Of course, that will not solve the slow upload which is the main problem but it will make it less of a slow-down for some users. On the other hand, those uploading the file from Prusa Link could do the same but manually.

Opublikowany : 19/10/2021 7:58 am
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