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On Cloud Multiple Machines  

On Cloud Multiple Machines

Hey there


I am using another software where I can upload all my g-code 50+ and from there I can send it to whatever printer I want to. And that’s a cloud system so every time I upload the file I know it’s the newest one. 

And here is my questions 🙂 

Will we see a cloud function like this? 

If yes can I start a print job on five different printers? 

When the printer is done, would it be possible to add my OG code at the end, and then start up the same Gcode? 


I hope my question makes sense😃


Looking forward to your answers

Postato : 27/12/2021 9:05 pm
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

I assume that such a functionality is forthcoming, as there are hints in the code for "Printer Farm" options.


Postato : 27/12/2021 11:40 pm
SpeakingOfBrad e hanno apprezzato
Topic starter answered:
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

Hi Daniel 

Yes you’re right “print farm options” when can we expect options like these😬

Postato : 28/12/2021 4:22 am
Phil @PhilthyFilaments
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

Connecting to a Dropbox, GDrive etc would be nice.

Postato : 30/12/2021 6:52 pm hanno apprezzato
Topic starter answered:
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

hi Phil 


I hope they come up with a solution where you have + -15GB of storage space

Postato : 08/01/2022 5:47 pm
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

This is an interesting one! I think we start to teeter on the edge of paid access however. To meaningfully implement a cloud provider for storing your files, unless this is something you are willing to do locally on your own network, there has to be some means of paying for a server. Things like amazon web services (AWS), google cloud platform (GCP) and Azure all have costs associated with them running and benefit greatly from the "computing center" being close to the end-user. Having to write files to these cloud platforms, then write them out of the cloud provider to the raspberry pi is not going to be a quick process unless a decent bit of money is thrown at the server running it all. Storage is another part that needs to be paid for, albiet it is ~$.025 per GB with things like AWS. These are entirely feasible features for Prusa to offer, but it has to come at a subscription cost to us otherwise it is lost money and unjustified. I'm sure some people would gladly pay to have such a feature, but for someone like me with a farm that I'm expecting to be 50+ printers,  I cannot justify a subscription to have my printers work. Its a cost of business I don't need and won't burden. Adding to this complexity is the fact web services go down which means there is a good chance printers would go down with it. 

What I would counter with is some means of storing files on your own network, that is preconfigured so the barrier to entry for all users was rather low. This way cloud service outages are avoided, storage costs would be minimal, and with something as simple/cheap as a pi 4 and a good SD card, you've achieved similar means to an end. I do really want to harp on the idea that there should be something mostly preconfigured so it is very easy for users to set up. I think this opens the door for the features you are speaking to, and a ton more other users are looking for, without having to run towards software as a service (Saas) or subscription-based payments to be able to access these features. 



Postato : 12/01/2022 1:12 am
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

I wouldn't mind just having an option to just mount an smb share from my local NAS.
Or the availability to plug in a USB hard disk or thumb drive into a raspberry pi that is running Prusalink that creates an smb share.

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious

Postato : 12/01/2022 1:15 pm
MedDim hanno apprezzato
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

I think a good way for Prusa to implement a shared gcode functionality for a farm mode would be to sync the files between the raspberry pis. Maybe in a separate folder under Prusa Link gcodes? And if a printer is in farm mode you can only select from those shared files? Only sync files when a printer isn't actively printing to avoid using too much CPU and potential stuttering during a print (like OctoPrint sometimes has problems with when using lower powered Pis like the Zero).

Or maybe the file sync only happens on demand. One master printer with the gcodes, and then only send a copy of the file when another printer is requested to print that file. This method would play nicely with the print queue system as well.

Postato : 12/01/2022 1:45 pm
MedDim hanno apprezzato
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

I think a user configured smb share off a NAS is great for those who know what they are doing but for the consumer market I'm guessing that would be too scary to undertake. 


That being said if the smb share is off the pi with external storage of some kind, that I think could be more reasonable. I highly suspect that could be mostly preconfigured with the prusalink image or the user guide to set that up could easily fall under the initial setup steps. 

Postato : 12/01/2022 1:55 pm
RE: On Cloud Multiple Machines

I also don't mind the idea of syncing files between the pis but I think it would quickly get complicated when a system that is storing the file you need is being used for a print. With a pi zero 2 w I'm more inclined to think that overheard with be fine but I agree that we don't want octoprint stutter occurring. Like you suggested @speakingofbrad, I think a master device is a great way to go. I think we would just need some community members to benchmark if the master device could handle the file control and printer control at the same time, or if it would be better to have the device separated from any printer to handle just files

Postato : 12/01/2022 2:01 pm