Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface
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Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface  

Estimable Member
Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface

Hi, have a Mk4 with PrusaLink (working), looks like a default user is "maker", how do we add a new user and set a password for the both the new user and default "maker" user?

Many Thanks

Veröffentlicht : 20/08/2023 7:49 am
Mitglied Moderator
RE: Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface

Hi, sadly, there is no user management on the MK4. I don't think it's planned so far, but I don't see into the development of FW. I would like the option to change the password too. One way to make this suck less in the meantime is to add the printer to connect. You'll be able to copy the key from the settings page.

Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2023 10:31 am
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface

Do you have a link to a GitHub for the firmware so i can add this as a feature request.  We have strict rules about username and passwords my end, so rando stuff creates nightmares when something goes wrong.


I also need to add a few other things like LCD dimming (that the Mk3 had).

Many Thanks

Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2023 4:26 pm
Mitglied Moderator
RE: Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface

Here is the repo

Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2023 4:28 pm
Estimable Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Mk4 - How to add / set password for a user for local PrusaLink interface

Thanks, have sent a few requests in that forum.

Many Thanks

Veröffentlicht : 21/08/2023 7:39 pm