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Method to find MAC address  

Brazoswood HS
Method to find MAC address

I'm trying to implement PrusaConnect at my school. The IT dept. needs the MAC address for each raspi. I have connected the pi to a monitor and keyboard. I'm stuck on PrusaLink login: 

Does anyone know the login or a better way to find the MAC address?

Postato : 07/01/2022 4:26 pm

Are you able to connect using pi/raspberry for username/password?

How many RasPi(s) are you planning to use at your print farm?

You will want to check with the IT department how they would suggest configuring a Linux device on their network. 


Just an FYI... PrusaConnect/PrusaLink isn't intended to be used in a production environment yet, as it's still in beta.

Postato : 07/01/2022 5:19 pm
Brazoswood HS
Topic starter answered:
RE: Method to find MAC address

I understand that it is still in Beta. We would like to test it and provide feedback.

I tried pi /raspberry, Login incorrect.

We have 8 Mk3 and 10 Mini printers. Looking forward to support for Minis.


Postato : 07/01/2022 6:04 pm
RE: Method to find MAC address

You may need to reimage the microSD card with the Raspberry Pi Imager software and enable SSH manually with a new password for the 'pi' user.

Postato : 08/01/2022 10:09 pm