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Is power panic supported?  

Is power panic supported?

Sorry If iI missed where it may have stated this.. But is power panic supported?

We just had the power go out, i had about 20 minutes left of a 5 hour print, no power failures detected and no offer to resume the print,

Prusa connected just states the printer is "ready" and the print that it was doing is "unknown state"



Posted : 29/01/2022 8:49 pm
Member Moderator

Hi, sorry power panic for USB/serial prints is not supported. The biggest snag right now is that there's no nice and user friendly recovery procedure in the firmware. The rPi and FW need to exchange some info after the blackout and ideally the bed would be heated while we wait for the Pi to boot. As always there might not be enough space on the einsy flash memory, but FW team members are still coming up with ways to free some. So maybe we'll have that feature at some point.

I have managed to save a benchy with a very hacky implementation as a proof of concept, but the process is fragile and not user friendly.

I have a video I could share, but there's no way it would get released in this state.

Posted : 14/02/2022 4:17 pm