Feature: Turn on/off lights
is there a switch somewhere (which i missed) to turn on/off the lights/LEDs on the printer? My printer is in a dark cellar room and i really can see not much with the cam attached without the lights/LEDs on and i would love to turn them on for the next picture to check wether everything is ok and turn them back off after. I got a Prusa XL + Enclosure, so 2 "sort" of lights/LEDs. If thats not possible yet i qould love to have this feature added, thank you very much!
RE: Feature: Turn on/off lights
LCD menu > Settings > User Interface
That's for the LED light that's underneath the screen though, isn't it? The blue / green / orange light that indicates the print status. Unless the XL allows controlling the LED lamps inside the enclosure, in which case I'm very jealous with my Prusa MK4.
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