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Feature request: More detailed "Printing" status  

Active Member
Feature request: More detailed "Printing" status

I went looking just to be sure, but I didn't see anyone else asking for this. The printer status "Printing" in PrusaConnect can be a bit frustrating at times. Often as not the printer is sitting there waiting for some temperature change (which may be visible on the control panel) and is otherwise doing nothing obvious for minutes at a time.

Could the 'printing' status be modified to include a little more optional detail? Even simple things like reporting what tool is currently in use. The XL is getting better rapidly, but it still has some teething problems (as compared to the Mini+) and being able to have some insight into what it's doing would be helpful when trying to troubleshoot failed prints.

Veröffentlicht : 04/05/2024 12:09 am