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A few Connect UI change proposals  

New Member
A few Connect UI change proposals


I have a couple of suggestions for changes to Prusa Connect.

First in the bottom of the pages I currently see  a band with nozzle temp, bed temp, print speed and z-height. Would it be possible to add remaining print time? or even better let me customize it 🙂

Second. On the Print Queue page I would like also to see the current active print in the style as on top of Dashboard page.

And besides these changes... any idea when Mini will be added?



Posted : 21/05/2023 11:14 am
Member Moderator
RE: A few Connect UI change proposals

Hi, the customization is in a nice-to-have bucket. We are moving those icons around a bit, so that will have to wait :/
I think adding an already existing widget should not be a problem, if it'll get greenlit by higher ups.
I honestly don't know about the MINI. We have stability issues with connect as is. If we added the mini today, it might just crumble. This is my understanding tho, not an official statement
It will get added tho. Someday

Posted : 22/05/2023 6:00 pm
RE: A few Connect UI change proposals

A small request for PrusaConnect: For the moment all timings are displayed as AM/PM. It would be nice if we could chose 24h clock instead of AM/PM, maybe as a setting in our profile? I have my MK4 assembled since 3 days. I really love it. Assembling was really fun thanks to the fantastic manual and parts organisation. For the moment, I am discovering features every time I power my MK4 on. Today, I discovered PrusaConnect. What a Wonderfull idea, and... I just started a print this way - all seems to work 100%. A big thank you @ Prusa!

Posted : 18/08/2023 9:48 pm
Member Moderator
RE: A few Connect UI change proposals

Thank you for the praise. I think we now switch the time format based on the set language. But I agree, it would be nice to have the option

Posted : 21/08/2023 10:23 am
RE: A few Connect UI change proposals

You are right. If I change to German it is in 24h notation. Unfortunately, I am native Dutch speaking and English is the easiest language offered for me, like for many people I suppose. I am not an American though and there is no ‘International English’ option ;-). 

Thank you for your fast response!

Posted : 21/08/2023 11:33 am
Tojik liked