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Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?  

New Member
Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?

Okay, so I've had the MINI for awhile but not used it much because of time commitments to other things.  Now I'm finally getting to use it but can't get the calibration right.  I do the calibration and adjust the z until I get something that works. I make a print.  Not a great print but it's the right shape and not too bad.  Without changing anything I print the same print again,  when it starts,  the nozzle is now hitting the bed or is way above it.  Am I doing something wrong?  Is this a printer issue that has a fix?

Oh, and these prints are just the Prusa test prints that come on the USB drive.  

Just wondering if I should throw this thing in the trash.

Napsal : 21/06/2021 6:31 am
Noble Member
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?

Sounds like your SPINDA is loose.

Napsal : 21/06/2021 6:49 am
Member Moderator
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?


could you provide please more details? 

What calibration did you, úincluding first layer calibration?) how did the calibration end. 

Great help for helpaérs are the picture. I would not advice after the first trouble (challenge ?) to fill in the vaste basket. 

even an old man can learn new things 🙂
Standard I3 mk3s, MMU2S, Prusa Enclosure, Fusion 360, PrusaSlicer, Windows 10
PRUSA MINI+ Prusalink + Prusa Connect

Napsal : 21/06/2021 7:32 am
Famed Member
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?

Try to tighten the screw that holds the Super PINDA a tad. If it's loose, the PINDA may slide up and down just enough to get your Live Z out of whack. 

But if you're considering throwing your Mini into the trash because of this hiccup, maybe you should because there will be others down the road, for sure. 3D printing is far from being a foolproof technology like a toaster.  But if you're willing to put a bit of effort into it, it's going to be a greatly rewarding hobby. And the Mini is arguably one of the most robust systems in that price range, so you're pretty well positioned for success.

Napsal : 21/06/2021 10:28 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?
Posted by: @redcanar

Okay, so I've had the MINI for awhile but not used it much because of time commitments to other things.  Now I'm finally getting to use it but can't get the calibration right.  [...]

Have you updated the firmware and PrusaSlicer presets? There have been related improvements made in recent months.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Napsal : 21/06/2021 3:09 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?


Not loose.

Napsal : 24/06/2021 7:12 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?


I don't think it has a Super PINDA? Isn't that a recent change? Do I need to replace the sensor?

Napsal : 24/06/2021 7:14 pm
Famed Member
RE: Z Calibration. Is this me or the Printer?

If you've had it for a while, it's likely to be the old MINDA. The SuperPINDA is definitely an improvement over the old model but I have a hard time trying to explain what you're seeing (good print followed by a print where the nozzle is way higher or lower) by anything other than a loose PINDA, so buying a new one may solve the issue only if serendipitously installing  it corrects a mechanical problem. 

Napsal : 24/06/2021 8:06 pm