Would you buy a Zero size Mini replacement?
Watching some of the Sovol Zero videos on youtube has me wondering if a "mini" Core One would be at all feasible.
Would you buy a "Core Zero?"
I primarily use my MK4s, but still use my Mini+ for small things. If priced reasonably, I think I would buy such a Prusa.
RE: Would you buy a Zero size Mini replacement?
Since I print with varied materials with my Mini in an enclosure, the Core One actually takes up less space for more build area. I could not see being interested in a smaller version of the Core One. How would it be much cheaper? It still would need most of the same components, maybe just shorter rods and a few other shrunken parts. Those who choose to buy Prusa know that they can't compete on price when they use European labor vs cheap labor. You just have to decide to support them as an alternative.
RE: Would you buy a Zero size Mini replacement?
Until very recently I had two Minis. Loved them, After adding a Bondtech extruder and a Dragon hotend, they printed beautifully, and with input slicer fast as hell. Alas, I started getting thermistor warnings again and again, and after swapping thermistor and heater a few times I decided it's just time for them to go.
What made them fun was that they were different from my Mk3S and Mk4S printers. Watching them print was — joy.
I just don't see the same fun factor with a shrunk down C1. It would just be a smaller C1, and what's the point of that? Maybe if I had to squeeze five of them on one workbench, then the smaller form factor would be relevant, but otherwise, Id rather pay a couple hundred more and get a full-sized printer.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
Or pay much more to get a many more little printers in Prusa Pro AFS 🙂
See my GitHub and printables.com for some 3d stuff that you may like.
It doesn't make any sense IMO to have a large Core XY mechanism, a large enclosure, fans etc etc, with a tiny build volume. As you can see on the Sovol Zero, it's a really large machine considering the build volume. So both the cost and the product size per build volume is way off, and I really wouldn't see any place for it. Speaking for myself at least. For variations of the Core One, it would make more sense for me to somehow merge the Core One and the XL (like a Core XL), but I am 99% sure that Prusa is already either working on or considering this.
For small printers I'd much rather see an updated Prusa Mini MK2 or something. I've seriously considered purchasing a Prusa Mini just for the fun of it (and since it's relatively cheap), but at this time it's kind of outdated.