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Why can't I edit my post after a certain time?  

Estimable Member
Why can't I edit my post after a certain time?

I've posted incorrect G-code and can't edit my posts. Why is this in place? 

Napsal : 07/12/2022 5:42 pm
Noble Member
RE: Why can't I edit my post after a certain time?

Because it is. It is a weird quirk of the Prusa forums. I can't make sense of it either. At least they have extended the timeframe during which you can edit the post by a few minutes. It used to be so restrictive that you could barely edit it at all.

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Napsal : 07/12/2022 7:32 pm
Distinctly Average
Eminent Member
RE: Why can't I edit my post after a certain time?

I run a support forum based on the same software. We also made the decision to limit the time to edit although that restriction was only in place for normal members. As users got more trusted by becoming a contributor, translator etc the restriction was lifted. We had to introduce this due to abuse, and quite a lot of it, over the years. It made threads longer but stopped the kinds of abuse we were getting. I can only guess that is why it is done this way here.

Napsal : 11/12/2022 8:10 pm